
Showing posts from October, 2009

Beyond rough mix.......

Ah boy just sent Beyond rough fucking mix... sound ok... so... c how when Edmund and Lingling record their fucking parts.... Hmm... recording fucking drums only with metronome does sound better... fuck... hopefully... Mic can fuck it all forever... Time to fuck off... Til then... God bless Frankie

Be....... yond.......

Just recorded Beyond... Left only Edmund's fucking parts... And... Lingling's fucking vocals... Hmm... favorite mee stall seemed to have fuck down... fuck... ate another fucking stall food... fucking oily... after eating... feel fucking sick... fuck... don't think will even eat from that fucking stall again... fuck... Luckily... manage to shit out... after bathing... so... feeling fucking better... About 2 days never see Hebe's clips... So... got to fuck off now... Til then God bless Frankie

Nitemare V2 clip.....

Just done another fucking clip for Nitemare... using old fucking software... fuck... sometime... new doesn't mean better... fuck.... So... Here's the fucking clip.... No fucking skips shits... also added some new fucking pics... So... time to fuck to sleep... Til then... God bless Frankie

Nitemare... demo...

Finally... Ah boy has sent us Nitemare... the fucking new original recorded last fucking month... Fuck... using a new fucking software... got some fucking skipping shits... fuck... Anyway... those who really want this can hear at myspace... fuck... Time to ko... Til then... God bless Frankie

Life fucks on...

So... Ivor didn't manage to fuck over to China... because his fucking passport has expired... wahaha... so... he also didn't manage to fuck some China bitches... Josh had decided to fuck off from Elyzia... fuck... so Mic will be back... hopefully... won't change any fucking drummer again... fuck... Will be covering some local chinese band originals for next fucking month gig at Homeclub... still havn't settled my fucking bass yet... the more I heard... the more... fuck... Maybe later jam will manage to fuck some shit out... This fucking Sun will record BEYOND... will be fucking it out with Mic... hopefully... everything will fuck out fine... I'm so fucking fulled... maybe... had eaten too much fucking shits.... fuck... Wow... quite fucking impressive with Hebe's singing at S.H.E concert at Hong Kong... saw some fucking clips at youtube... hmm... seem like she has improvement again... fuck... can't wait for her fucking 1st solo album out... fuck... Maybe wil

A fucking fun weekends...

So... this was 1 of the fucking fun weekends during this fucking year... Sat... had my fucking hair shaved again... a fucking billion thanks to Yvonne... Sat was a holiday... the salon was supposed to be closed... she happened to fuck down... and willing to shave my fucking hair... she was 1 of the fucking few... who can really understand the hairstyle I wanted... Did some fucking photo shoots with Elyzia at Shin studio... thanks Jason for letting us do the fucking shoot at his studio... also thanks to Wei Xuan... for the VK makeup and straightening my fucking hair... hmm... maybe... when my fucking hair is longer... will ask her help me do a VS makeup... wahahaha.... ah ya... she made Ivor and me tears... wahahahaha... but she really a nice gal... I remembered the last time I put on some fucking makeup... with RN... that fucking makeup artist was quite fucked tumped... and not forgetting... Ta Kai... and of couse... Joy and her friend... for taking the shoot... quite fucking fun... Af

Beyond... or... Deathyond.......

Have been fucking around the basslines for BEYOND... more or less... I'm fucking there soon... now... is see how Joshua will fuck the drums in... anyway... still find some fucking shits missing... whatever... fuck... need to see what the fucking result on this fucking Wed jam.... Still wondering... which fucker will be finalised as the fucking drummer for Elyzia... fuck... same... also got to wait... til this fucking Wed... So... how's fuck tump this Wed will be?... wahahahahaha... whatever fuck will be... will be.... Seem like Ah boy hasn't send over the fucking demo yet... Nitemare... with Ivor's parts... Fuck... Til than... God bless Frankie

A fucking fun Sun... I love Sun........

The only fucking day of the week... I love... fucking Sunday... the only day I spend alone... doing only what the fuck I love... Been playing with my bass the whole fucking afternoon... all my left fingers seem like rotten... fuck... who fuck care... as long as I'm fucking happy... Did spend some fucking time improvising CREEP and BEYOND... fuck... hopefully... this month recording will be going on according... fuck... So... this fucking Sat... photo shoot with Elyzia... for the fucking EP... same... hopefully... everything will fuck out smoothly... fuck... oh ya... got to take back my fucking masked bear from Lingling this Wed... Did watch some parts of the PCS... showed a few clips of those who are sick... disabled... and... they are fighting to live... fighting better than most of us... who are fucking abled... fuck... if only... we can fight... like the way they do... fuck... What the fuck I can only do is train... train... and more fucking training... hopefully... I'll mee

Another fucking day......

Life is as usual... every fucking Saturday... jam with Elyzia... after the fucking jam... Joshua had to fuck off home... so be it... fuck... still... never talked about the fucking problems we are getting... During dinner... Lingling talked about the interview for the EP... the guys would like to know why the solo are played the fucking way we are fucking them now... After the fucking jam... Edmund and I fucked over to our usually pub... Sean joined us less than a fucking hour... After Edmund fucked off... I gave a fucking thought about the fucking bass solo shits I had done... after some fucking thought... I smsed all the fucking members about what i felt for the bass lines... but... fuck... except Edmund... none of the fucking rest even bothered to reply... fuck... All I know is that Elyzia is definately not the fucking band who is going to wake that fucking demon in me... my role in Elyzia is just follow what the fuck they want to do... only til when I think it's time for me to


Just recorded a new fucking song, "Nitemare", at TNT with Elyzia... 1st fucking time... Joshua did the drums without any fucking guide... fucking good... 1st fucking time... Edmund did a long nice fucking solo... fucking great too... wahaahha... Can't wait to hear the final fucking mix... hopefully... can manage to get the fucking rough mix later... Fuck... after recording... fucked over to our usual kopi tiam to grab a fucking bite... fuck... my favorite mee stall had closed down... fuck... Wondering when Hebe new album will fuck out... fuck... hopefully... will be this fucking year... A lot of fucking crazy bass lines have been haunting me lately... some of them were done with my previous bands... have added a fucking riff from a fucking song which Oon and I did about 10 fucking years ago in "Nitemare"... fuck... when the final mix is done... I'm going to give Oon a fucking surprise... wahahahahaha... Have been modifying my bass lines for "Creep"