Another fucking day......

Life is as usual... every fucking Saturday... jam with Elyzia... after the fucking jam... Joshua had to fuck off home... so be it... fuck... still... never talked about the fucking problems we are getting...

During dinner... Lingling talked about the interview for the EP... the guys would like to know why the solo are played the fucking way we are fucking them now...

After the fucking jam... Edmund and I fucked over to our usually pub... Sean joined us less than a fucking hour... After Edmund fucked off... I gave a fucking thought about the fucking bass solo shits I had done... after some fucking thought... I smsed all the fucking members about what i felt for the bass lines... but... fuck... except Edmund... none of the fucking rest even bothered to reply... fuck...

All I know is that Elyzia is definately not the fucking band who is going to wake that fucking demon in me... my role in Elyzia is just follow what the fuck they want to do... only til when I think it's time for me to fuck off... maybe it's now... maybe tomorrow... maybe... whatever fuck...

I'm still thinking whether it's time to join what some fucking bands have offered me... all the fuck I want is fucking simple... a fucking band that all the fucking members are committed... fuck... my fucking twisted fucking mind is acting on me again... I don't know how fucking long can I surpress the demons in me...

All I feel is that Elyzia is not a band which cares about their fucking members... whoever do a fucking mistake... someone might give you a fucking black face... or even... fuck... most of them left the fucking studio to smoke... rather than help that member out... so... fuck...... fuck... seem no one is willing to tell it straight... fuck...

hopefully... the problems with Joshua will solve this fucking Wednesday...

So... which fucking bands asking me to join them now... I'll just fuck in... Anyway... whatever fuck will be... will be...

The only happy thing is I got a new fucking chorus... quite fucking happy with the sound... next... I'm going to get the fucking sobbat bass driver...

By the fucking way... I'm creating some fucking bass lines... might use them with Elyzia... might use with other bands... fuck...

Time to fuck off...

Til than...

God bless


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