A fucking fun Sun... I love Sun........

The only fucking day of the week... I love... fucking Sunday... the only day I spend alone... doing only what the fuck I love...

Been playing with my bass the whole fucking afternoon... all my left fingers seem like rotten... fuck... who fuck care... as long as I'm fucking happy...

Did spend some fucking time improvising CREEP and BEYOND... fuck... hopefully... this month recording will be going on according... fuck...

So... this fucking Sat... photo shoot with Elyzia... for the fucking EP... same... hopefully... everything will fuck out smoothly... fuck... oh ya... got to take back my fucking masked bear from Lingling this Wed...

Did watch some parts of the PCS... showed a few clips of those who are sick... disabled... and... they are fighting to live... fighting better than most of us... who are fucking abled... fuck... if only... we can fight... like the way they do... fuck...

What the fuck I can only do is train... train... and more fucking training... hopefully... I'll meet some... who can wake the fucking devil in me... soon... real fucking soon...

Whatever fuck will be... will be......

Til than...

God bless


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