A fucking fun weekends...

So... this was 1 of the fucking fun weekends during this fucking year...

Sat... had my fucking hair shaved again... a fucking billion thanks to Yvonne... Sat was a holiday... the salon was supposed to be closed... she happened to fuck down... and willing to shave my fucking hair... she was 1 of the fucking few... who can really understand the hairstyle I wanted...

Did some fucking photo shoots with Elyzia at Shin studio... thanks Jason for letting us do the fucking shoot at his studio... also thanks to Wei Xuan... for the VK makeup and straightening my fucking hair... hmm... maybe... when my fucking hair is longer... will ask her help me do a VS makeup... wahahaha.... ah ya... she made Ivor and me tears... wahahahaha... but she really a nice gal... I remembered the last time I put on some fucking makeup... with RN... that fucking makeup artist was quite fucked tumped... and not forgetting... Ta Kai... and of couse... Joy and her friend... for taking the shoot... quite fucking fun...

After the fucking shoot... Josh and Mic could'nt jam with us... fuck... thought going to be a fucking drumless jam again... luckily... Ta kai was around... he was willing to jam with us... a fucking billion thanks to him... tried 2 covers with him for the next fucking month gig at Homeclub... another fucking billion thanks to him... for satisfying my demonic lust... wahahahaha...

As usual... went drinking with Ed after the fucking jam... our President and her friends also joined us... quite fucking fun with them...

Hmm.. so... the same fucking problem stilled fucking around... Josh can't gig next fucking month at Homeclub... fuck... got to use Mic again... if this fucking shit still fucking on... might as well ask Mic to fuck back... fuck...

Sun... I spent my fucking time... rotting on my fucking bed... and it was fucking fun too... I feel once in a fucking while... I should let my fucking body rots abit... but... I realised that... fuck... the more I sleep... the more fucking tired... fuck... but still... I felt it's fucking fun... wahahahahaha...

Ivor is somewhere in China right now... doing some working shits... hope that he will manage to fuck some chinese bitches... wahahaha...

So... don't know whether the rest of the fuckers will jam on this comming fucking Wed without leader ... fuck...

Hmm... very long never see Hebe's clips... time to check whether any new fucking clips...

Til then...

God bless


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