
Showing posts from April, 2010

Last fucking weekends of April 2010.......

Oh yea... So... The last fucking weekends had come... and... fuck off... Hmm... The problem 1 of the fuckables... even though not solve yet... but... I can see that he know what the fuck he's doing... Been drinking way too fucking much... since beginning of 2010... Time to cut down... And... Spend more fucking time on the fucking demonic training... and... of course... the preparation of raising hell rituals... So... Whatever fuck will be... Will be... and... just enjoy the fucking fun... God bless Frsnkie


So many fucking shits have happened... Fuck... 1 of my favourite cat, Casper, had died... fuck... 1 of the few cats who had been with mi at PE... who can really killed rats.. even if caged... fuck... Another fucking shit... 2nd bra decided to fuck off from ELYZIA.. fuck... so... he won't fuck to Hong Kong with us... So... What's next fucking shit is going to happen?... Fuck... All these fucking shits don't really weaken mi... fuck... instead... they make mi even fucking stronger... fuck... Whatever shits will be... That fucking shits will be... Fuck... Til then... God bless Frankie


Went drinking with 1 of the fuckables... Seem like he still bothered by something which happened a few fucking months ago... Most thought it's a recent happening... But... It isn't... It's something which happened a frew fucking months ago... recent mishap can't really hurt him... cos he's 1 of the fuckables... Felt hurted during 1 of our pub hoping section... don't why... maybe I'm just plain fucking stupid or what fuck... anyway... just fuck care... As for Elyzia... Personnal demonic training will still fuck on... For me right now... Nothing else fucking matters other than the fuckables... and... Elyzia... Whatever fuck will be... Will fucking be... God bless Frankie


Another fucking week had passed... think little bra will be back this fucking week... Just celebrated Lx2's & 2nd bra's birthday on Friday night at Alcool... quite fucking fun... and we drank quite fast... Saturday... went to Conspiracy... with the fuckables... 1st bra... lingling... celebrated Peter's & Jacklin's birthday... relax drinking only... So.. my room is still fucking messy... Just prasticed... using my 1st... still love this bass most... the feel... the tone... every fucking shits... maybe... will use it for next fucking recording... Hmm... The fucking landlord might either increase rental or asked us to leave when it's dued on June... fuck... might be jobless soon... Maybe... take this chance to risk what I always wanted to do... Whatever fuck will be... Will be... Til then... God bless Frankie

Down Period of the Fuckables...

Fuck... Since like this month is quite a fucking bad month for the fuckables... 2 of the fuckables seemed to be played by some bitches out there... wawawa... hmm... 1 of the fuckables just hooked up a fucking superglue bitch... fuck... But... Don't think such things will break up the fuckables... As for me... Fuck... This year don't seem to be my fucking year... Didn't manage to hook 1... since the begining of this fucking year... fuck... kind of like I'm being cursed or what... fuck... Anyway... I don't really fucking care about it... Fuck... My room is so fucking messy... so fucking messy that even I also cannot stand anymore... wawawa... got to clear the fucking mess up... Don't think will fuck out today... maybe will play bass the whole day and night... Oh... The sun is up... Time to start my fucking day... Til then... God bless Frankie

Wht the fuck.....

Just fucked back home... After drinking with 2 of the fuckables... Hmm... At first... don't feel like fucking out... little bra asked mi out for drink but I declined... til 1 of the fuckables smsed mi... fuck... he sounded emo... so fucked down to Con... it's about 2am +... fuck... Another 1 of the fuckables was at Alcool... fuck... it's time for him to showdown with his target... fuck... I feel that he had wasted too much fucking time... Sad to say... Most of my fucking peers seem like they can't live without any gals... fuck... the only shit I can do is support them whenever they needed me ah... fuck... Have been hunting for sponsors for Elyzia... fuck... before big bra is back... I begin to love the feeling of gigging oversea... fuck... And... Training... Personal fucking training... I need to put more fucking time in my fucking bass training... fuck... not to be disappointed by those who trusted in Elyzia... fuck... those who trusted in me... Fucking looking forward

Back from TW.......

Had fucked back to SG for about 2 fucking days... Just did 2 fucking fun gigs at Taiwan... with Elyzia... at Spring Scream... and at YOHO... quite fucking fun... basically... we cui... but... we fucked care and just wacked..... The people over there were fucking friendly... had a nice fucking time... So... What will the next fucking hell be... Hmm... Time to get ready to work... Til then... Frankie God bless

Happy Fucking April Fool 2010

Here I'm again... Another fucking month has fucked in... Just did a fucking fun gig last Saturday... with a few close bands friends... quite fucking fun... So... The next fucking gig is at... Taiwan... my 1st fucking oversea gig... with Elyzia... TDH will also fuck over for Spring Scream 2010... so... might be fucking beer night for the next few fucking nights... like what we did before... hmm... more than 10 fucking years... Anyway... had been drinking almost every fucking nights with the fuckables since the fucking beginning of 2010... hmm... think it's the fucking time to cut down on these shits... wawawawa... I think my fucking gas is comming... so... fuck... got to save $... and... get all the 3 fucking dream bass... wonder whether I can get at least 1 of the fuck this year... S.H.E new fucking album is out... wawawawawa... so... hopefully... Hebe's solo album will fuck out soon ah.... Oh... Going to fuck over to Taiwan later... Time to ko... Til then... God bless Fran