
Another fucking week had passed... think little bra will be back this fucking week...

Just celebrated Lx2's & 2nd bra's birthday on Friday night at Alcool... quite fucking fun... and we drank quite fast...

Saturday... went to Conspiracy... with the fuckables... 1st bra... lingling... celebrated Peter's & Jacklin's birthday... relax drinking only...

So.. my room is still fucking messy...

Just prasticed... using my 1st... still love this bass most... the feel... the tone... every fucking shits... maybe... will use it for next fucking recording...


The fucking landlord might either increase rental or asked us to leave when it's dued on June... fuck... might be jobless soon...

Maybe... take this chance to risk what I always wanted to do...

Whatever fuck will be...

Will be...

Til then...

God bless


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