
Showing posts from December, 2009

Princess... Male pig...

So... Just recorded Princess at TnT... this song was written by Marco... hopefully... he will love this fucking version... wawawa... can't wait to let him hear when it's fucking completed... A new fucking year in about 4 more fucking days... So... Let's get all the fuck done... God bless Frankie

So what's fucking next.......

After Maska gig... After drinking with the fuckables... Hmm... Recording... In a few fucking hours time... Princess... A song written by Marco... Can't wait to let him hear how Elyzia is going to fuck it... wawawawawawawa... A few more fucking days to a new fucking year... Still got 1 more fucking gig on 31th... Time to check any Hebe's new fucking clips... Til then... God bless Frankie

24th Dec 2009.... Elyzia's EP.......

Fuck... Elyzia's EP is officially launched today... quite fucking fun... KNN... but don't know what the fuck to do during the party... CB... so... just acted busy lor... wawawawawawawa... it was really fucking fun toking to those who are supporting us... so... playing in Elyzia is not about only the fucking 5 of us... but also to those who had helped us... to those who had supported us since day 1... wawawawawawawawawa....... After that... fucked over to drink with my bro and the fuckables... fuck... my bro and that fucking ducky were drunk... KNN... so... CB... they fucked home first... Managed to take some fucking pics with that lovly gal... hopefully... that fuckable... ah duck... will ul at FB or what... Passed a few fucking EP to some of the fuckables... and also gave that fucking big button to Woon... since he liked it... since he's 1 of the fuckables... A few more fucking days to a new fucking year... CB... time for the real fucking fun to begin... KNN... Whatever fu

A clip done by Jason (Shiin)

Wawawawawawawa.... just upload a fucking clip of Elyzia done by Jason (Shiin)a few days back.... quite fucking funny... nice... Jammed til 2am tonight... fuck... don't know why... after bathing... so super fucking hungry... luckily... got some fucking layer cakes... wawawawawawawa....... So... this coming fucking week will be so fucking fun... EP release party on 24th... gig 11pm on 26th... recording on 27th... gig on 31th... fuck... going to take more leaves from work... soon... I think... boss going to sack me lor... wawawawawawawawa....... A new fucking year in about 2 fucking weeks time... hopefully... next fucking year will be better than this fucking year....... Oh ya... next fucking year... Hebe's solo album will fuck out... YYYYYYYEEESSSSS... another thing to fuck forward to... and around mid fucking year... hopefully... Elyzia's album will fuck out too ah....... wawawawawawawa....... Whatever fuck will be... Will be... Time to fuck off... Til then... God bless Fran

Last few fucking weeks of this fucking year...

So... POPULATION 5 from Elyzia recording was done yesterday... managed to do a simple clip.... And also that long overdued BEYOND... fuck... only managed to get it yesterday from Ah Boy... Today... managed to record a rough fucking basslines, RATSHIT... trying to see whether Elyzia can fuck it out anot... Maybe will change it to a bass and drums instrumental style if none of the fuckers are interested... So... a few more fucking weeks... a new fucking year... 2010... looking forward for Hebe's solo album... love her fucking voice... Fuck... this year only bought 1 6 strings bass... got to buy more next fucking year... Hmm... seem like Elyzia still got some fucking problems here and there... hopefully all fucking shits will be cleared soon... Another fucking thing I'm looking forward to is my hair... wawawa... see how fucking long I'll keep til I cut short or what fuck... wawawawawawa... 1 thing I'm quite fucking curious... Next fucking year... This time... what will I b

Fucking helpless.......

Fuck... down with fever and flu... head was fucking spinning... nothing much could be done... helpless... fucking helpless... Luckily... after taking some fucking medicines from the doctor... was feeling better... fuck... some things I really don't understand... the doc gave me medicines for dizzyness... and some medicines will cause some fucking dizzyness... fuck... so... in the end... still fucking dizzy.... Didn't go to work... basically... eat medicines... sleep the whole fucking day... also... never go jamming... fuck... Seem like every fucking year... at least once... need to be sick... fuck... thought can fuck off from this year without getting ill for even 1 fucking day... fuck... So... after taking almost 4 times of the medicines.... I've recovered... and... it's time to fuck back to work... soon... Going to take the last fucking set of medicines.... Til then Frankie God bless

Another death...

Hmm... one of the fuckables... Woon's father... had passed away peacefully... hope that Woon won't be too sad... Before going to Woon's dad's wake... Elyzia did a vid shoot for the comming EP... fucking fun... even when pointing my fucking middle finger at the fucking camera needed to have the right position... fuck... but still... it's fucking fun... It has been quite a few fucking months since I've drunk with another fuckable, Jason(621)... fuck... and... I realised I know quite a few guys who are called Jason... fuck... Have re-recorded my fucking bass for POPULATION 5... it sounds better now... fuck... my tones are fucking clearer... so... left 1st and 2nd bra to have their fucking parts re-recorded... This month will be recording a slower originals... either CREEP or PRINCESS... PRINCESS is a fucking beautiful song which is written by Macro... Another fucking 18 days to go... for the fucking EP to be out... So fucking sleepy... So... it's fucking fuck t

What the fuck...

Had just dl our new original raw mix recording... fuck... I don't like it... so... going to fuck back to TnT and get my fucking bass redo... fuck... this is the most fuck tump sound I've done... fuck... so... re-record it on Friday... What the fuck... 1 got a new heart and I don't really know how to get back the fucking sound I 1... seem like a new fucking bass... fuck... and... been trying out that Sobbat bass driver... wawawawawa... also don't know how to fuck it... so... changing back to Digitech... fuck... Maybe... going to let 1 retire... so... next recording will be using 3... fuck... maybe will use 2 for recording CREEP... this fucker seems like more suitable for slower song... as for 4... maybe let him fuck it during next fucking gig... This fucking year is fucking over soon... hopefully... can manage to get 5... so... where the fuck are u,5.... Just listened to DragonRadio... the DJ was quite fucking funny when he said about Elyzia's EP thingy... Mum still