What the fuck...

Had just dl our new original raw mix recording... fuck... I don't like it... so... going to fuck back to TnT and get my fucking bass redo... fuck... this is the most fuck tump sound I've done... fuck... so... re-record it on Friday... What the fuck...

1 got a new heart and I don't really know how to get back the fucking sound I 1... seem like a new fucking bass... fuck... and... been trying out that Sobbat bass driver... wawawawawa... also don't know how to fuck it... so... changing back to Digitech... fuck...

Maybe... going to let 1 retire... so... next recording will be using 3... fuck... maybe will use 2 for recording CREEP... this fucker seems like more suitable for slower song... as for 4... maybe let him fuck it during next fucking gig...

This fucking year is fucking over soon... hopefully... can manage to get 5... so... where the fuck are u,5....

Just listened to DragonRadio... the DJ was quite fucking funny when he said about Elyzia's EP thingy...

Mum still feeling dizzy for the past few fucking days... hmm... hope that she will recover soon... kind of missing her nagging...

海派甜心 this week quite a fucking sad episode... quite a nice fucking tw idol drama... hmm... fucking nice songs too...

Going to fucking 3am soon... time to ko....

Til then...

Frankie God bless


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