Funko Marvel Collector Corps Super Hero Showdowns February 2017...

Happy April's Fool Day!!!... Wonder do youngsters still play prank on each other nowadays...

Collected my box on Wednesday...

How time flies... This is my final box... Not going to renew... Heard a lot of complaints about Atomic Candy... But I have no issues with them at all... And I got all my preorders from them without any hitches... And the owner seems nice... Hmmm....

Going to rush down to post office before it closes... Mum was out when it came... So...

Loot Crate next...

Fun ah...

God bless

Pop In The Box
20% off for 1st time order above US$20

Loot Crate
US$5 off for 1st time subscriber

BGM by Valence 微倫絲


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