Another Super Fun Week...

Another week had passed...

hurt my right hand since Wed... tried some plaster... no use.... so went to try acupuncture on Sat morning....

The master bandaged my hand... with a plaster... after poking some needles... but... the pain got worse on Sun.... so... went to try another master.... who healed my hand before... a few years back...

After massaging my hand with medicated oil.... my hand was bandaged.... again... only can remove it on Tues... he advised that if by Fri... still painful... have to see him again...

So... no bass for these few days... the pain... comes... and... go... so fun... kind of enjoying the pain...

Fri night... jammed with Kris... again... tried some riffs... quite fun... maybe... my hand got worse during the jam...

After that... lim at a kopi tiam... talked about plans... and... stuffs...

Received the book about Cliff Burton... which I've ordered a few weeks back... on Sat...

Since my right hand is injured... managed to finish reading this book last night... it was about his life... his friends' thoughts of him... quite a nice book... it has been quite a few years since I actually read a 200+ pages.... book... fun...

My fav song... from Hebe's latest album... mv is out...

A beautiful... nice... song...

CHTHONIC got a new vid... about the song... Jade...

Another history... of Taiwan... nice...

Saw a clip... of a show... which was quite funny...

Funny guy...

Also... read K-ON manga... online... chapter 65...

Seems like will be using more of my left hand these few days... going to be fun...
And... my right hand smells of strong chinese medicated oil....

God bless
