Mortal Kombat X... Series 2... Figures...

Finally... My preorder for Mortal Kombat X series 2 figures are here... Had ordered last December from Toy Realm... A local friendly and nice toy shop...

Cost SG$38 each... For preorder... Currently are selling for SG$48 each... Hmm... Wonder Toy Realm will bring in the variant... Hopefully will be out for preorder soon... Will get them but won't be opening them...

So far... No news about series 3... Wish that Mezco Toys will keep on making them... They are doing a better job than previous maker... The overall details are great... And I'm looking forward for the Cage family figures... Maybe series 3?... Will be nice ah...

So... These are my Mortal Kombat X Kollection so far... 

Nice... More figures in soon...

Fun ah...

God bless


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