7 Days In Taiwan...

Before the trip... Mic's sister in law helped us to get this...

Free... From Taiwan tourism board in Singapore... With NT50 value...

Valence's 1st EP... Nebula...

Supposed to be ready for collecting... On last Monday... But was delay...

So... The printer sent 100 copies to us... In Taiwan... Directly...

Everything was fine... Except the order of track list... Wawawawawawawa...

Mic had told them the mistake... So... Hopefully... The remaining 400 copies will be rectified...

Last Tuesday... Fly over to Taiwan with Valence... Den n Oon...

Before flying off... Bought a box of duty free cigarettes at DFS shop...

Come with a cute... Nice... Canvas holder...

Stay the whole trip at this hotel... Cheap yet clean room... With free wifi... Nice...

Managed to shop for a while... Found these...

Cute n cheap... Can't find them at Qoo10 or any local shops...  So... Bought them...  More to assemble liao...

Also managed to find the snack which Lucy asked me to buy...

Also bought this for Little Fatty...

Her fav character... Too bad... Cannot find the rest near our hotel...

N not forgetting... This round...

Promised to get this for Lucy... About 5 years ago... This round... Remembered to buy... Wawawawawawawa...

Also bought a cheap yet sound fine earphone...

Only NT600... Which is less than SIn$30... Quite worth it... the sound quality...

Bought a nice tee... Near our hotel...

Nice wordings...

Last Wednesday... Started gig... 

1st stop... Revolver...

Not much crowd... Mostly were the band members who were performing on that night... But... Fun anyway...

Last Friday... 2nd stop... 小地方展演空間...

The most fun... Out of the 3 gigs... Nice sound... Nice crowd...

Last Saturday... TOS happened to have an event... So den n I decided to go n look see look see... Too bad... It was too crowded... So we couldn't go in... Wawawawawawawa.......

We were given these instead... 10 free Dias... 

Bought another tee at a store nearby...


Can consider cheap...

Last Sunday... Last stop... Winder Music! Festival...

Super hot... Super sweaty...

Anyway... Fun ah...

A must buy... When going to music fest...

The fest tee... Has been collecting music fest tees since years ago...

Last afternoon...

Time to fly back home...

As usual... Bought duty free liquor...

This round collection... Nice ah... So... See when will drink it all... Wawawawawawawa...

Midnight liao... Going to watch Crime screen 2... New episode... Before ko... 

Hmmmmm... Must ko after this... Back to work later...

Fun ah...

God bless


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