10th Days of Sept...

It has been more than a month since last blog...

Bro had taken back his pc... been using sis's laptop... hmm... should I buy 1 soon?.. Don't really own a pc or laptop since early 2000... wawawawawawawa...

Last week... my order for Kara's latest cd and poster were here...

Nice... their live has been improving... kool kpop girl group...

Last week... bought the new edition of MetalHammer...

The free CD... 1 of Testament's song is in it..... nice ah....

SWHB... did a edited cut on a jam clip for fun...

Went to an gig auditon last week... got in... and the gig will be on Nov...

6th Oct... will be SWHB's 1st gig... fun ah....

Meanwhile... have been trying out some odd signature with pig...


More fucking fun ahead...

Godd bless


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