Weekends... Again... Fun...

PE... this month promo... ACANA.. Wild Prairie dog food... 7kg... $79 only...

And... the cat food... ACANA... also Wild Prairie... but for cat... 7kg... $129... free 2 bags of 2.5kg... managed to sell a few bags... fun ah...

ZIWI PEAK... is back...

Used to be a popular brand... 1 of the better food... hmm... will it be as popular as before?... fun ah...

Life at PE is always fun... Lucy was so bored on Wed night that... she trimmed her hair... wawawawawawa...

And... whenever I'm bored... I'll play with Ah B... sometimes... made her cried purposely... wawawawawawawa... realised that she cried even louder if I joined her crying... fun ah...

Turffy... 1 of the customers' dog... was so super cute...

After wandering in the room... he laid down... looking bored... cute ah... while waiting for Lucy to come... to groom him...

Last night... went to relax lim... with Mic... over at that... far... far away... west side... pub... seemed like...  every month... we'll go there... relax.... once...

METAL HAMMER... Nov 2011... is finally out... the cover is... Cliff Burton...

Nice... this mag is 25 years old... the packing was changed to paper... wonder will they use paper too for their next issue onwards... and... this round... the free CD... contained songs from SLAYER... SLIPKNOT... SEPULTURA... MACHINES HEAD... etc...

Nice... kool... fun ah...

FUTERA... managed to key in 3 more HEROES cards... given by my bro...

This week... cleared the 100 matches... but... my current position is no 3 spot... in L5... wawawawawawawa... from no 1 spot... down to 2... now... 3... wawawawawawawa... but... fun ah... hopefully... my bro will give me more powerful cards soon...

Kris... old school rock band... will jam with them again this Sun... this round... he added 2 covers...

Think... did cover BON JOVI... Born To Be My Baby... before... with ROAR... so super long ago ah... Kris... is like getting horny or what... both of these songs... are super horny types... think he's on mating season... wawawawawawawa... so... basically... going to spend some time... later... to learn these songs... 

Oh... the jamming with the ah moh metal band is getting closer... Wed... night... fun ah...

My right hand... still not yet... fully recover... so super fun ah...

God bless


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