New Month... Last 2 Of The Year...

PE... last month didn't hit the min target... but sales did went up abit... hopfully... this month can... back to the usual sales amount... got new customers lately... and... did a few promo with the suppliers... time like this can really show who can be friends... and... who not... so... fun ah...

Today... 3 Nov... baby Ah B... and... Den... birthday... not going to Ah B's party... maybe... will go lim with Den...

Just learn MACHINE HEAD... Halo...

So... left another 1 song to learn... for this side...

Another side... need to learn some pop rock songs... hmm... wait til I got the mp3 first...

The last side... no news at all... fun ah...

Right hand... not 100% yet... but... the cracking... pulling... wasn't so often anymore... on the road to recovery... strange thing is... don't feel any pain when playing metal covers...

So... more fun ahead...

God bless


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