Last Weekends Of Nov 2011...


SERAPHYMN... managed to record my bass... according to last jam... Double Standard... tried at 132bpm... standard tuning...

Intro (play 6x)

Verse 1 (play 4x)


Chorus 1



Verse 2 (play 4x)




Chorus 2


After chorus 2 / before solo (play 4x)

Solo (play 4x)
After Solo (play 8x)
Ending (play 4x)

Got to see next jam... what need to be changed... fun ah...

Sat night... illegal gathering... so fast end of the month again... food... and... of couse... beer...

1st round... with Den...

2nd round... met the rest... Sean bought a red wine over... 1st time lim wine at kopi tiam... fun ah...

3rd round... only left Sean... Den... and me...

So... another new month soon....

More fun ahead...

God bless


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