Raining Week...

This past week... since  Mon... almost every days were raining... cos of rain... maybe... not many customers over at PE...

But... a few suppliers... popped over and sticked some posters... so... PE looks better now...

Big sis is in HK now... with friends... hope that she'll have fun... and... enjoy herself... and... of course... remember to get us gifts... wawawawawawawa...

Last night... ko quite early... maybe... cos of the kooling weather...

Managed to talk to some possible bandmates... hmm... hopefully... will get to jam with them soon... 1 doing ah moh metal... 1 trying free jam stuffs... another 1 doing old school covers... soon... new fun... starting soon...

Watched K-On!! til ep 20... this is 1 of my fav eps...


Going to ko now...

And... more battles... and... more fun... soon...

God bless


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