K-ON songs...


The K-ON!! song... No Thank You... got a 2 versions... wa... sung by the characters in the anime...


The original version is sung by Mio Akiyama...

Manage to find Azusa Nakano version... she's my fav character in this anime...

Only can find 2 versions so far...

A cute song... Fuwa Fuwa Time... Yui's singing is so cute...

Another cute song from the 2nd season opening...

Nice fan made clip of the song... Fuwa Fuwa Time... from K-on...

1st season opening fan made clip...

Someone made a fucking nice clip... but don't whether the song is from K-On...

The basslines are quite fucking kool...

So many fan made clips...


PE new shop will be ready soon...

God bless


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