11 More Fucking Days......


Went to JB... relaxed... with John... last Friday night... it had been quite a fucking while I relaxed at JB... the last time I went... was to gig... this round... fucked over... just to relax and have fun.... but... quite fucking surprising... cannot find any metal bands concert dvd there... years back... could find many... those hard to get live... fuck... now... only got stuffs like Lady Gaga... fuck... maybe... they are not really into metal anymore... fuck...

Went to TY... collected my bass... bought over for a buzzing problem... so... it's fixed... going to bring this bass over to Taiwan... for the SS gig...

My fucking mind is getting clearer about the the fucking shits I'm going to do soon... not going to be a fucking easy task... just do my fucking best and have fun....

Oh... suddenly... felt like listening to an old song from Karen Mok... 莫文蔚... still sound so fucking nice... after so many fucking years... 寂寞的戀人啊...

莫文蔚 - 寂寞的恋人啊
作曲:王一隆 作词:李宗盛
 作曲:王一隆 作词:李宗盛
歌 尾声啦 夏天
词 太亮的霓虹灯
转 天空的颜色好浅

音 傻子才争吵啊
魁 落叶是树的风险
网 情感是偶发的事件
i 用偏方治好失眠

k 满意你爱的吗
u 有何新发现
i 温柔的誓言
· 恋爱的肢体语言

o 努力爱一个人
m 和幸福并无关联
  小心啊 爱与不爱之间
  却是 遗憾 少见 有谁 如愿
  疲惫了 放手了
  不值得 不要了

fucking nice song...

3+ liao...

Time to ko...

God bless


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