So Far...


Almost a fucking month since I last blogged...

Last weekend... bought 2 wah from SL sales... hmm... seem like I still lup JD wah most...

Been playing with my bass since last Friday... training myself ready for some works that might be taking fucking places soon...

I think I really need to get a fucking Macbook first... maybe get it next month or what... easier to do and show some fucking works...

Went to Yamaha sales yesterday... fuck... nothing much... met Dennis... Ethe'Real's bassist... who's working there... quite a friendly guy... he still remembered me nd spoke to me even though we never spoke to each other during the Lcube gig...

Quite fucking lucky today... won an personalized signed Hartke poster...David Ellefson and Frank Bello the monster bassists for Megadeth and Anthrax... fucking kool... think about 2 fucking weeks will receive it...

I can feel the fucking calmness... before the fucking storm... need to train more demonic bass rituals... need to get myself fucking ready... as my hp will be ringing soon...


Let's the new fucking stage of fun begins...

as I fuck into the lungs of Hell...

God bless


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