My 2010 BD... 4 fucking cakes...



Another fucking new day has come...

Wawawawa... and my BD has just fucked off...


This fucking year... BD most memorable shit... I got 4 fucking cakes... wawawawawa...

1st one... from Elyzia... Joy... Jason... we cerebrated 1/2 way during jamming... when the clock passed 12... wawawa.. this round... no fucking cream cake... wawawa... so... no cake throw shit...

2nd cake... given by Den... full of cream... wawawa... after jam... all of us fucked over to Con... another fucking surprise.. wawawa... but... I didn't throw any of the fucking creamy cake at anyone... wawawa... managed to control... wawawawawawa......

3nd cake... also a surprise... given by 1 of my supplier... Valerie... I was quite busy with the stocks... which just fucked in... so... just only had a quick talk with her... hmm... in the end... took the cake back home...

4th.. final cake... from Beumon... the last surprise of the day... he suddenly fucked over to PE... after we had done with all the fucking stocks... we had a little cerebration... with Ricado.. who also happened to fuck over to PE...

Hmm... this is the 1st fucking time... I received 4 cakes... wawawawa... all fucking different types... and... all were fucking yummy...

So... the fucking party is over... at Elyzia... we decided to stay as 4 fucking pcs... for the past few jams... we were training... trying out... fine tunning... as 4 fucking pcs...

Dun think there will be any fucking gigs this fucking month... will be more on ... the fucking training... new EP... another compilation recording... and... of couse... the album for next fucking year planning...


Let the fucking fun begins... again...

Til then...

God bless


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