Photo shots...

Just did some photo shots...





Quite fucking fun...

Also did some photo shots... the 4 of us... Elyzia... for some promotion purposes...


The same fucking question has fucked back to hunt me again...

What the fuck I really want... do... whatever fuck... &... the fucking answer is still the same... so... after the shots... I fucked back home... practising...

Maybe it's fucking time to focus... no more drinking shits... no more fucking around aimlessly... time to awaken that fucking demon in me...

Anyway... this year... I havn't got any new fucking 6 strings bass yet... hmm... got to at least get 1 of my dream bass before this year fucks off...

About 2 fucking weeks more... Elyzia will gig again... so... let the fucking fun begins...

Til then

God bless


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