Another night with the fuckables.......


Have my fucking hair reborned again... KNN... just a bit long... and it took an hour longer than before...

No jam this weekends for Elyzia... CB...

Managed to watch 2 fucking episodes of the re-runs of a fucking local drama, Table of Glory, on TV... when Ah Wu was asked why the fuck he played table tennis... I loved his fucking answer... he answered that he just loved to play... fuck... this fucking feeling... was just like why the fuck I love to play bass.. play in a fucking band.. play music... KNN... Will be catching another 2 fucking episodes later if never fuck out...

At night... as usual.. fucked out drinking with the fuckables... KNN... Sean vomited once... maybe drunk too fucking fast... while back at home... my bro vomited twice... CB... maybe he's old... after brushing my fucking teeth... I don't dare to use the mouth wash... scare will vomit also... wawawawa... fuck... but I really enjoyed drinking with the fuckables... so fucking fun...

We cleared all the fucking drinks which we had ordered... just like the fucking olden days... so... so fucking fun... KNN...

Time to see whether Hebe got any new fucking clips... also waiting to be more fucking sober... then ko...

Whatever fuck will be...

Will be...

Til then...

God bless


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