Left 1 fucking day.......

Hmm... let only 1 day for me to fuck back work... time to clear some fucking shits again... wawawawawawawa........

Just gigged with Elyzia at Taka... after the 2nd fucking song... we had to stop because of the fucking light rain... that feeling was fucking good when it was about to rain.......

Plan to get Chthonic and Megadeth new albums tomorrow... hopfully can get them at my usual music store...... this year... hopefully... Hebe's solo album will also fuck out...

It is always my fucking dream to play in a true fucking metal band... I'll keep on searching... maybe I'll find it... maybe I won't... but... fuck care... as long as I'm having some fucking fun.......

Some fuckers told me that Elyzia might make it... but... fuck... what are their fucking definations of making it?... fucking on gigging?... jamming?... or become fulltime?... fuck... they don't know that every bands have their own fucking problems... jaming timing... recordings... and some stupid fucking shit... anyway... who's fucking care...

I'm fucking sick of fuckers asking me whether Elyzia is my dream band... I'll fuck it the last time...so... get this straight... and the fucking answer is NO....... so... the next fucker onwards who ask me this shit... I think I'll refer him to this fucking blog.....

Some fucking shits will defintely never ever change... the bands which I'm in... whatever fuck we do... regardless of jamming... gigging... recordings... just whatever fuck... I'll do my fucking best... like it's the last fucking time I'm doing so.....

Before this fucking year fuck off... hopfully... I can get another 6 strings bass... this year only got 1... fuck... not improving... last year I managed to get 2... so... this year need to get another 1 or so... fuck...

Hmm... wonder when will I fuck somthing here again.... wahahahahahahaha...

Before I fuck off... here's a fucking gentle reminder... Elyzia's memeto EP will be fucking out on 24 Dec 2009... free... limited 300 fucking copies... fuck over to http://www.elyziaband.com/ for more fucking details.......

Oh ya... this fucking Saturday... will be gigging with Elyzia somewhere at West Coast... don't know the fucking time or location yet... but... I won't be gigging with them next Tuesday for that fucking audition aniversary shit... will pass Lingling a fucking bear... wearing my fucking mask... wahahahahaha......

Maybe tomorrow I'll fuck something here again... maybe 1 fucking week time... or 1 fucking moth later... or maybe even never... but... who's fucking care...


Til then...

God bless


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