Elyzia... the 1st fucking year.....

So... Elyzia is fucking 1 year old... so many fucking shits have happened... regardless of happy shits... or... sad one... after fucking off from RN... this is the only one which I have managed to fuck in with one year... hopefully... there will be second fucking year...

Not really a happy birthday shit because of the drummer issues... only will see Joshua on this Wednesday to fuck things out... whatever will be will be...

This Tuesday... Elyzia will gig for the Audition birthday bash shit... but I won't be playing... need to work... somone will cover my fucking parts... did pass Lingling a fucking baer with my mask on... so... spiritually... I'll be there... wahahahahaha...

David Tao's new album quite fucking nice... those rock n roll feel... maybe later will fuck down to my usual music store to get a fucking copy... still havn't got Chthonic latest album... maybe will try my fucking luck at HMV... maybe they will bring in...

Fuck... Hebe's solo album might be out late this fucking year or early next... might buy it cos I love her fucking voice...

Next month... will be recording NITEMARE with Elyzia... once we have settled the drummer shits... hopfully... this shit will be cleared once and for all... fuck...

Been listening to Megadeth's new album... I've begun to love this line-up... definately the one of the best fucking metal album I've heard this year...


Time to fuck off...

Til then...

God bless


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