Another fucking month.......

Time really fuck off fucking fast.... left only 2 fucking days on leave... will be fucking back work this Wednesday...

Just gigged with ELYZIA at Homeclub and Taka... quite fucking fun even though I screwed some parts... but... quite fucking pissed off that we didn't record any fucking new originals this month... fuck...

just did a clip for BNW... a song we recorded last month... and here's the fucking link...

Will be gigging again at Taka in about 12 fucking hours time... wondering if we will be playing EARTHQUAKE and shock the people there...

Hopefully... next month onwards, we will be recording 1 fucking demo every month... and... of couse... settle the fucking jamming timing with Joshua...

Oh... and almost forget... ELYZIA will be releasing a free limited cd on 24 Dec 2009... only 300 fucking copies...

Fuck to the offcial site for more fucking details.....

2 more fucking days... back to the fucking innocence world... with those fucking lovely cats...

Til then...

Time to fuck off...


God bless
Frankie Tan


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