
Showing posts from January, 2016

My 1st Pop In The Box...

Just received my 1st subscription from Pop In A Box... Got Slimer... which I did thump up... so basically... they will give what I like and won't send over what I don't like or already have... nice  ah... Get 20% off your first monthly Funko Pop... hmm... going to try 3 pops next month... more fun ahead ah... God bless Frankie

Funko Funklub...

The official Funko Funklub is only available in USA... So tried using Vpost to join... And the package arrived today... Finally... Got 1 Freddy Funko pop...  Hopefully... Will manage to collect more... Quite disappointed that my name was not written on the cert... The guy at Vpost who handled my order should have written my name in the first place... Hmm... Maybe will join again when Funklub accepts those who live outside USA... Wawawawa... So... My Funko collection grows again... My 1st pop in the box should arrive these few days... Getting excited ah... God bless Frankie

A Rare Sunday...

Mostly.. Would rot at home during Sunday... Today... Went out... 1st... Went to Health Promotion Board to collect my steps tracker... 2 colors to choose... Blue or black... And.. Of course... Black ah... After that... Went to Orchard... Been a few years since I've been there... Crowded with unfamiliar people... Think will take another few years to go there again... Even though I live quite near... Still nothing much after so many years... Went to Pop Life! Store at Wisma... Quite a tiny store... Didn't feel like buying anything after I went in... So... Tried my luck at Simply Toys shop at PS... A few times bigger store... Bought 2 Pops there... $19.90 each... Hmm... Will be hunting around... Seee any other shops with more ranges soon... Last stop... Holland V... Bought the latest issue of Metal Hammer... Think got 3 different covers... But I'm find with any... Got the free CD... And... Baby Metal giant window stickers... Nice ah... And just like this... A day is gone... Ano

My Ez-Link Collection...

Yesterday... Got lucky...won 2 Line ez-link cards... Nice ah... Earlier of the week... Ordered a set of limited edition Star Wars ez-link cards... SD$67... Including postage... Received them yesterday... Very nice ah... 4 cards join together as 1 picture... Also come with a nice folder... So... My ez-link collection has grown again too... So fun ah... God bless Frankie

Latest Orders From Amazon...

My latest orders from Amazon is here today... 1st to open... WWE Elite Collection Flashback series 37... Dean Malenko... First time in the line... The belt comes with it is WWE Cruiserweight tittle but the box states United Stae Championship tittle... Hmm...wonder is this series considered error set?... Other than this... Quite happy with the overall details... Nice... Next... My first 2 Funko Pop collection...  Game of thrones... Amazon exclusive... Jon Snow bundle... And... Daenerys Targaryen bundle... Both bundled with a cute tees and keychain each... Nice... But my right bottom back of Daenerys box... Was slightly tampered... Other than this... Everything is nice ah... So... This begins my Funko Pop collection... My 1st subcription of Pop In The Box might be here these few days... Wonder what will I get?... Excited ah... If anyone is interested... Get 20% off your first monthly Funko Pop through this link  Meanwhile... Will be saving $ til Kelvin

WWE... Elite Collection Flashback... Ringside Collectibles Exclusive... The Rock...

Received my order from Ringside earlier of the day... As usual... Bought 2... 1 for opening up... Another to keep... Hmm... Going to see which side of my room wall will be nice to hang all the unopened sets...  The Intercontinental belt is very well detailed... With the WWE logo... Nice... And the fine detail of his right arm tattoo is nice too... As this was a younger Rock... There was no tattoo yet on this left chest... So... Still got another WWE figure and 3 Funko Pop should be arriving this week... And going to save some money to get that Kelvin Nash Ringside exclusive... Think will be out late of next month... Just nice... Kind of broke after buying quite a number of toys this 2 months... Hmm... Wonder which toys will reach tomorrow ah... So fun ah... God bless Frankie

Mortal Kombat X... Series 2... Figures...

Finally... My preorder for Mortal Kombat X series 2 figures are here... Had ordered last December from Toy Realm... A local friendly and nice toy shop... Cost SG$38 each... For preorder... Currently are selling for SG$48 each... Hmm... Wonder Toy Realm will bring in the variant... Hopefully will be out for preorder soon... Will get them but won't be opening them... So far... No news about series 3... Wish that Mezco Toys will keep on making them... They are doing a better job than previous maker... The overall details are great... And I'm looking forward for the Cage family figures... Maybe series 3?... Will be nice ah... So... These are my Mortal Kombat X Kollection so far...  Nice... More figures in soon... Fun ah... God bless Frankie

Mattel... WWE... Elite Series 33... X-Pac...

Bought 2 of the X-Pac figure at Amazon a few weeks ago... On sales... USD12.99 each... 1 to keep unopened... 1 to take out and display... 1st time in the line... With DX shirt and European belt... On the back... A short profile description... Nice... I realized something wrong with the belts... On both boxes... The WWE logo was covered in red... Hmm... Wonder can this consider as error line... Anyway... The figure is well made and nice... Never realize that X-Pac got a tattoo on his right shoulder... Nice ah... A cross with some wordings.. Can't really read it... Quite happy with the overall details...  Worth to buy... About SG$29 each... Including shipping... Hmm... Free shipping for order over USD125... So... Will be saving up 1st before getting more other figures at Amazon... So... Here's my current WWE collection... Another 2 more other figures are reaching tomorrow or so... More fun ahead ah... God bless Frankie

1st Blog In 2016...

Been another 4 months since I've last blogged... So fast... Another new year... 2016... The 12th days...  Have been into toys again recently... My 1st collection... Mortal Kombat X... 6" Figures...  Managed to get Scorpion and Sub-Zero online... Both were totally out of stock when I started to collect them...  Series 2... Have done a preorder with a local store... Think this month will be in...  Wonder when will series 3 out... Still no news yet... Hope that Mezco will continue to make them... The details of these figures are great... My 2nd collection... WWE figures... Been wondering whether really want to collect anot... Main reason... Too many to collect... Anyway... Just going to collect those which I like... Got Undertaker and Xpac on sales at Amazon... Even including shipping cost... Still almost 1/2 the price cheaper than buying in Singapore... Hmm... But they are 7" figures... Still got a few coming soon... Think they are somewhere in the sea now... 3rd collection