
Showing posts from August, 2011

~ PE Rebirth ~

So... today was the start of new location for PE... arranging stocks... keying in stock into the new POS... with my 2 bosses and Ah Mon... the whole day but still haven't keyed in finished... Going to continue again later... Time for K-On!... ep 6... School Festival... before I ko... God bless Frankie

Last Mon of Aug 2011... Last day at old PE...

Last Mon of Aug 2011... it's also last day at old PE... So... new PE later... wawawawawawawawa... Last Sat... had the monthly gathering with the gang... got a new member joining us... After eating at Sweet Dynasty... went over to Hood Bar... watched TDH's gig... followed by S-Club... ended the night at Alcool... Oh... managed to find a metal version of Dont Say Lazy... Nice... Going to watch K-On! ep 5... Advisor!... before I ko... God bless Frankie

Last Thurs At Old PE...

Started packing some stocks... hmm... still got many many stocks to pack... wawawa... hopefully... will finish packing by Sun... Someone combined clips from K-ON! and K-ON!!... the parts where HTT were performing... nice... Got that food song... 1 of my fav songs from K-ON... Happened to find another cute song... also about food... Nice... kool... bassline... Going to watch K-ON! now... ep 4... Training Camp!... God bless Frankie

Last Wed At Old PE...

Started packing 2day... and time really went off super fucking fast... still got many more stocks to pack... so fucking fun... Just watched a fan made clip of DREAM GIRLS... Nice... Going to watch K-ON! ep3 now... Special Training!... God bless Frankie

Last Tues At Old PE...

Another day nearer... moving to new shop... did some cleaning... not many customers lately... it's like dead town... hmm... might as well do some packing tomorrow... Here's a nice cute song from K-ON anime... Oh ya... at the 2nd stage of hunting bands... bandmates... got a few potential players... and... as usual... got a handful who just talk cock... anyway... it's fucking fun... Tonight... watched K-On! ep 2... Instruments!... This episode is about Yui... buying a new guitar... how the rest helped her to get the guitar she wanted... She chose this guitar cos it looks cute to her... and she calls it GITAH... TRIVIUM... new album is out... going to get it next month... Will ko soon... God bless Frankie

Busy Mon...

Got a sms from boss... Confirmed... PE will move over to Greenridge Shopping Centre next Mon... hmm... only left car accessories and PE... like a ghost town... Time passed quite fucking fast... was doing some packing... and a few hours were gone... 10 years at this location... If government never took back the land, don't think anyone of the shops here would be moving at all... Going to watch K-On all over again... 1 ep per day... or so... Ep 1... Club Suspended... Fav quote will be... "I'm at lost for words... You guys aren't all that great!... but it seems like it's fun... and I'm going to join this club!" - Yui She said this after watching the 3 of them played... Yui... a cheerful happy gal... loves anythings cute... and tasty food... Nice anime... Time to ko ah... zzz...zzz...zzz... God bless Frankie

K-ON songs...

Yoohoo... The K-ON!! song... No Thank You... got a 2 versions... wa... sung by the characters in the anime... Hmm... The original version is sung by Mio Akiyama... Manage to find Azusa Nakano version... she's my fav character in this anime... Only can find 2 versions so far... A cute song... Fuwa Fuwa Time... Yui's singing is so cute... Another cute song from the 2nd season opening... Nice fan made clip of the song... Fuwa Fuwa Time... from K-on... 1st season opening fan made clip... Someone made a fucking nice clip... but don't whether the song is from K-On... The basslines are quite fucking kool... So many fan made clips... Oh... PE new shop will be ready soon... God bless Frankie


More than 2 fucking weeks never blog... Last Sat... bought CHTHONIC's latest album... Takasago Army... finally... better mixing than previous album... love the fucking drums... seem like Dan... the drummer... has reached another higher stage... fucking kool... Since this week... been watching an anime... K-ON!... both seasons... nice... quite fucking funny... managed to finish watching just now... and the movie will be out this Dec... in Japan... hmm... wonder will it be show here... and hopefully... a new... 3rd season will be out... The song which I love most for 1st season is Don't Say Lazy... There's a few fucking cute songs in this anime... quite nice... but this anime isn't really about rock bands... it's more about their life and friendships... nice and funny... SCANDAL did cover this song last year... I think with the original singer... Actually... it's after watching this live clip... I watched K-ON... For 2nd season..

Another New Fucking Month... Aug 2011...

As usual... Another fucking new month... Last Friday... finally... managed to join the gang with the monthly meetup... lost my fucking way... so... call a cab instead... ate at Old Kong Hong Cafe... followed by Wine Bos Katong... looked classier than the one near Queen St... last stop... at Alcool with Den... Next following day... Saturday... won TBK EP launch tixs... so went over... but til 910pm... still not yet started... so fucked over to BQ with bro to meet Den... went to Alcool again... hmm... last month... almost every week was there... maybe... will go other pubs this week... 1st Aug 2011... after a year plus... finally... saw my boss, Chris, again... looked quite stressed... maybe over new shop or what... Oh... it's 3rd day of ghost month... quite fucking kooling tonight... Going to whack my fucking fingers again... God bless Frankie