
Showing posts from September, 2010


OH YEA!!! ELYZIA is 2 fucking years old... With some members... came... and... gone... A new member... ReeVes... joining us... taking over keys and guitar... so... we are back to 5pc... wawawawawawawa.... Looking fucking forward to Oct onwards... 9th Oct... gig at Lcube... after so many fucking months of rest... and... as 5 members... 19th Oct... every Tues... ELYZIA will be playing 3 sets at SGCC... for maybe 2 months or what... Recording for 2nd EP... Promo for LFTM album... SO fucking fun... Didn't really sleep much... So... Fucking to bed soon... God bless Frankie

2nd day of the fucking fun

Just fucked back home from jam.... trying out a few more fucking covers... but... didn't lim after jam... cos Mic was not feeling well... Had been listening to some of the difference versions of some covers Elyzia is going to gig for SGCC... Oh... 4am+... Time to ko... N... Let the fucking fun continues on... God bless Frankie

The start of some fucking fun

Hmm... Since SCIM 16... Elyzia has been quite low profile... so... looking forward for next month... it's gigs time... OH YEA... Had been practising some covers for SGCC... got to see how we sound like later at jam... It's going to be a fucking fun and busy month soon... Ko time... God bless Frankie

3rd Oakley

Fuck... Broke my Oakley... so fucked over to Queensway... to get a new fucking one... the salesgirl was quite fucking friendly and cute... tried a few Asian versions... exchanging some hair tips with her... hmm... seem like almost every 5 years or what... my Oakley will be broken... fuck... Luckily... Den fell asleep while waiting for me to fuck out... wahahaha... so no lim night... Over at Elyzia's side... EP recording most probably starts next month... Oct... a fucking fun month... gig on 9th at LC... 19th onwards... every Tues... at SGCC... so... will fuck back to fucking busy mode... wawawawawawawa... So... Here come the fucking fun... Hmm... Hope that all members of Elyzia will enjoy all these fucking shits... Wawawawawawawawa...... God bless Frankie

Here I'm n fucking back 2 hell...

Fuck... Have been drinking these 2 fucking days... so... going to stop all these fucking shits... no pubs unless because of band stuff... Hmm... have been wasting quite a fucking lot of shit... so... going to wipe out all the fucking wants... For the past fucking jam... Had been jamming... some fucking song... Love seems like a fucking luxury... ao... here I'mn fucking to hell... God bless Frankie

Lim ah...

Fuck... Since Thursday... Have been drinking... til tonight... Fuck... Just bought Hebe's 1st solo album... going to hear it after brushing my fucking teeth... Oh... Next month... Elyzia will be raising some fucking hell... looking forward to it... Hmm... So.... Let the fucking fun begins... God bless Frankie

失戀無罪... and... When You're Gone

Oh... Just practising 2 covers... 失戀無罪... and... When You're Gone... chosen by Lingling... for the SGCC... So far... only catch the originals key playing 1st... tomorrow... jam... will be testing... hmm... see how going to change to more like Elyzia's style... wawawawa... I like music... so... quite fuck care about playing covers and pop or any fucking genres... but... I love metal... if 1 fucking day... I had to make a fucking choice... definately I'll choose metal... So... Let's the fucking fun continues on... God bless Frankie

Can't Minus You From Me

All right... Got my fucking bass line... for this slow... emo... original.. done... Hmm... next... test it out with the band... and... change according... so fucking fun... So... Ko time... God bless Frankie

To the rest of the fucking members of Elyzia

Zoot! Fuckers! The fucking demon is back! I'm fucking sorry for not being the same fucker since the day Edmund had left us... hmm... chose to leave...sacked by us.. or whatever fucking reasons which I personally quite fuck care about.... Whatever fuck it is... that fucking demon is back.... So... Cya fuckers in Hell... God bless Frankie

Sober... Clear... Focus...

Last Friday... After jam... went to lim... with... all members of Elyzia... been quite some fucking time since we as a band... relaxed and drank... and... also with some members of Ah5... quite fucking fun... Saturday... At 1st... wanted to G.A.S again... but changed my fucking mind... cos... had been spending too much on pedals for this fucking year... Earlier on... Uncle weewee msned me... advised me... not to lim so much... save up... buy more bass... hmm... he's fucking right... so... time to cut down... Anyway... Most are wants... none are really needs... seem like it's time to stay sober... and focus... time is fucking running out.... So... I'm fucking ready.... God bless Frankie

Sep 2010... day 1...

Oh... A new fucking month again.... Fuck.... Suddenly... wake up in the fucking middle of the night... feeling cold... giddy... fuck... what a fucking way to kick of Sep 2010... fuck... seems like my body can't function without hoon kee... fuck... every time when I cut down... will be sicked... fuck... Over at Elyzia... these few weeks will be trying out some slower originals... hmm... happened to find one of L.A Guns songs... which I jammed before during RoaR days... so many fucking years have passed... yet still find this song nice.... Hmm... Panadol seems to be a multi purpose med... fuck... after popping 2... feeling better... 4am... maybe go and play bass now... Til then God bless Frankie