
Showing posts from June, 2010

Let the fucking fun begins...

So... The last fucking week of June... Next month... a few gigs... after a month of rest... Back to Taiwan again soon... but... only for a few days... hopefully... will be a fucking fun again... The next day after Taipei gig... fuck back to Singapore... Homeclub again... hmm... will be playing with the usual Chinese bands... definitely will be a fucking fun night... Oh.. just bought another new wah... this round... Morley... cos my JD bass wah... dead... fuck... hmm... wondering how long this Morley wah will last?... fuck... So... Let the fucking fun begins... God bless Frankie

So... what's next...

So.. nothing new... Still out drinking with the fuckables... for the last few fucking nites... kind of sick of going to pubs... maybe... got to find new places or what... been in the same places for about 6 months plus... Just realised... I'm surrounded by emos ah... chey... going to fuck it soon... So... Whatever fuck will be... Will be ah... Til then... God bless Frankie

My 2010 BD... 4 fucking cakes...

Woo.. So... Another fucking new day has come... Wawawawa... and my BD has just fucked off... Hmm... This fucking year... BD most memorable shit... I got 4 fucking cakes... wawawawawa... 1st one... from Elyzia... Joy... Jason... we cerebrated 1/2 way during jamming... when the clock passed 12... wawawa.. this round... no fucking cream cake... wawawa... so... no cake throw shit... 2nd cake... given by Den... full of cream... wawawa... after jam... all of us fucked over to Con... another fucking surprise.. wawawa... but... I didn't throw any of the fucking creamy cake at anyone... wawawa... managed to control... wawawawawawa...... 3nd cake... also a surprise... given by 1 of my supplier... Valerie... I was quite busy with the stocks... which just fucked in... so... just only had a quick talk with her... hmm... in the end... took the cake back home... 4th.. final cake... from Beumon... the last surprise of the day... he suddenly fucked over to PE... after we had done with all the fucki

After watching a fucking old film...

Just done watching a fucking old flim... METALLICA SOME KIND OF MONSTER... While watching... I suddenly remembered some fucking shits... shits like why the fuck I play bass... and... why the fuck I play in a band... in the 1st fucking place... 2nd bra is supposed to fuck back to Elyzia... after the rest of us returned from the gigs at Hong Kong... seemed like he didn't contact anyone of us... fuck... so... this fucking Wed jam... will he honor his fucking words?... Another fucking problems will be... Elyzia is going to stay 4 pcs... or... find someone to replace Ed... fuck... can we find someone fucking suitable to fuck in Elyzia?... musically... and... technically... and... can the rest of us really accept this new member?... I personally feel that... this fucking shit need to be solved once and for all... fuck... Fuck... all these are just fucking self-created shits... maybe it's the fucking ego... or whatever fuck... Hmm... Whatever fuck will be.... Will be.... Til then... G