
Showing posts from February, 2012


This past week... Demi had left HELLFIRE... Band name changed to FULL METAL JACKET...  Today... jammed with the rest... Eyes Of Evil seemed to be tightened... tried out a cover of LOG... Laid To Rest... have been jamming with them for about a month... can sense some improvements as a band... fun ah... Feb... ending soon... So.. More fun ahead... God bless Frankie

Fast Moving Feb...

Feb 2012... time passes super fast... 19 days of Feb... gone... super busy... fun ah... PE... 2 week ago... got a new ORIJEN tees... Nice... have already wore a few times since I've got it... fun ah... Last weekends... illegal gathering... went to buy MASTODON's album... Their latest album... last year... got it cos it was voted best metal album of 2012... kool... but still no time to listen it... fun ah... Last Sun... after jam... went to eat Korean buffet... Nice... somewhere in Chinatown... fun ah... HELLFIRE (地狱)... last Thurs...shifted CK'd digital drums over to Peter's house... Sat... did a demo... Eyes Of Evil... after that... shifted CK's kit back to his house... hopefully... we can do more demo before we do a studio recording for all originals... hmm... hopfully... every month... a new metal original... so fucking super fun ah.... More fun ahead... again... God bless Frankie